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How to alter a dc to read cd-rws...

Firstly I have had 2 people contacting me and saying that their dc will read cd-rws without any modification, so always try this first!
These pics have been sent in by /^POPS^ and we are eternally greatful for them...
Remember that this will violate your Dreamcast warranty. Boob! takes no responsibility to any damage you might do to your DC.. if this doesn't work merely turn the screw back to its original position.
Merely follow the instructions on the pictures below...

Multisession cdrs...

Not all dcs are able to read cd-rws, even with modification, so this method could be useful to gyplay users and developers alike.
This information has been sent in by Phantasm... thanks for the info :-)
This is what he said in the email:
"You can burn a ton of mpg/avi files onto a cdr and then when you figure out which ones gyplay wont play properly you can remove them from the directory structure by burning another session. It will also be useful to me when I start using the devkit as i cannot get my dc to read cdrw and cdr at the same time and I dont have a serial cable, so I can just keep burning more sessions with the updated executable each time..."