links - dcdev - home of libdream and KOS. - "mother" of dcdev.
Hitmen - how to setup a C compiler for DC and the first "DC Demo".
turbooboo - how to setup a C++ compiler for DC and other helpful stuff.
Boob! - great dcdev page.
Jules dcdev - good dcdev news page. - biggest dcemulation page and the best dc board IMO.

links - emulation in general
retrogames - emulation news.
classicgaming - lots of infos and roms about old consoles
emuunlim - emulation news and emu hosting.
zophar - lots of emulators to download (+ sourcecodes). - you should already know it.

links - offtopic

newgrounds - very *uhm* funny flash games
noize - german music zine
fm4 - the only good austrian radio station