last updated on 21/02/2008
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On this Page we try to give you a brief overview about the Groups our members were in, and what they produced, before they joined Hitmen. This is probably in no way complete yet so if you have something to add please let us know.

TBD (The Black Damned)

This is how Jihad called himself before he joined any Group.

JCG (Jihad Cracking Group)

Jihads own group before he joined ICE.

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

TF5 (The famous Five)

This was Racoons first Group

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

ICE (International Cracking Entertainment)

Founded by Groepaz and Curlin, gained a few members which later ended up in Vision.

Find some of the old ICE Stuff here !
Some Tools made by Groepaz are here

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

DFT (Delta Force Team)

joined by ICE (as a Subgroup) shortly before almost all ICE-Members went to Vision.

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

VSN (Vision)

Vision gathered a lot of people which later ended up in various known Demo- and Cracking groups. Curlin, Groepaz and Jihad were members of the german Section.

Some Tools made by Groepaz are here

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB - Vision Website


Jihad was active in Action before he joined Hitmen. L.A. Style was an Action Member as well, as was Curlin (who called himself ACCU by that time).

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

AFL (Alpha Flight)

Curlin and Groepaz joined AFL for a short time after Vision died. Groepaz left the Scene a short time after that, while Curlin carried on. Also L.A. Style, who ended up in Hitmen a few years later was a member of AFL.

Some Tools made by Groepaz, (including the famous trash composer :)) are here

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB - Alphaflight Website


existed for about a year from May'90 to mid(?)'91. Several former Vision members were in this Group. Alfatech, Scorp, Probe, Ice, Henry, Ghost, Francois Prijt, Curse all ended up in Hitmen at some point.

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

Joy Division

founded by Jihad (around april or may of 1991 ?)

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

2XI (Double Impact)

founded by Jihad (around april or may of 1991 ?)

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

RBL (Rebels)

founded by Peacemaker and others after the first split (around april or may ?) 1991

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

3AD (Triad)

Curlin, Thunder, Racoon, Alfatech, Tranziie were Members of Triad from mid '91 to mid '93. All except for Thunder rejoined Hitmen later again.

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB


Weasel, Jinx, Deff and Magicman were Members of Crazy.

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB


Jack Alien, Jinx and Peacemaker used to be members of Chromance.

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB


built by previous members of Hitmen in february of 1993.

(search Pokefinder, c64.ch) more info on CSDB

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