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Dark Matter Walkthrough:

* Please Note. If you just play the walkthrough you will miss out on a lot of the game. This will take you from beginning to end, but in the most direct way.

Act I:
1. A knock on the head.
2. The Sage's Hut.
3. Finding the Maynga Root.
4. Returning to the Hut.
5. Finding Max.
6. Hitting the Matrix.
7. Finding Glasses.
8. Getting out of the Matrix.
9. Getting the Bum.
10. Taking on the Matrix.
11. Getting the Power Conduit.
12. Finishing the mission.

Act II:
1. Finding Gibson.
2. Clearing out Arden Plaza.
3. Getting the Chopper.
4. Finding Gas.
5. Finding some Caviar (Minced Pie).
6. Getting the Repair-Bot.

Act III:
1. The Twist.
2. End Game.

Act I:

1. A knock on the head.

When you first arrive in the dump, move in any direction to start a conversation with Arkadia (by pressing one of the arrow keys). She is an artificially intelligent computer that runs the complex you're in. Listen to what she has to say, then head down to the computer at the bottom of the screen and active it (by pressing the space bar). This is Dax, the security computer. He will ask you if you want to open the bay doors, say yes. Walk thru them. Once in next room, when you can see the laser blocking your way to the otherside, turn around and come back to the dump. Start another conversation with Dax. This time he will ask you if you want the laser in the hanger shut off? Say yes. Walk into the hanger. Towards the bottom of the screen is a blue crate, open it. You will get a Small Blaster and a Flak Vest. Equip both of these. Press escape, click on Dirk, click on Equipment, click on Weapon, click on Small Blaster. This will equip the small blaster. If your still there click on Armor, then click on Flak Vest to equip the flak vest. Keep pressing escape to exit out of this menu system. Once done you will see a switch in the north west corner of the room. Go over to it, and flip it. This will turn on Noris, the computer on the otherside of the room. Go over to him, and start a conversation (by pressing the space bar). When he asks you "what do you need?" choose Open Door. This will open the north door for you, walk through it. This takes you in the Main Room where Arkadia is. She is the main console in the center of the room. Walk up to her and start a conversation. Listen to what she has to say. She will ask you to help her. Say yes. She will tell you all about the mission you must do, and open the north door for you. Walk through the bay door to the north east. This takes you to Lost Haven. Walk down. This will trigger an event that takes you thru the desert and into Bardo, where your friend Orient sleeping. You wake him up, and tell him what just happened and that you need to go to the Sages Hut that is just outside the city.


2. The Sage's Hut.

The Sage's Hut is outside the main city, but before you get to the world map. It's one the screen with the sign that reads "Bardo City, if you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere." Walk inside the hut. Then walk towards the fire, this will start a conversation with the Sage, that will end with you needing to go out into the desert to find him some Maynga Root so he will give you the Blue Pass Card you need to get into the Matrix. Read the books on his selves, they have good tips for the game. When your done head back out into the desert.


3. Finding the Maynga Root.

The root lies on the other side of the mountain chain just east of Arden Plaza. The tunnel is just south east of Arden Plaza, and at this point in the game a pretty hard thing to get through. If you take the advice of the book in the Sage's Hut you could earn money, and build up your level. Also you can use the money to buy Med Tabs. Which Arkadia did give you. But at some point you are going to have to go down there. What I did was on battle with two scorpions. It gave me enough experience for Dirk to level to 4, and Orient also. Then I dodged everything down there. You have to do one fight, which is two Golems, and that gave me enough experience to level Orient to level 5 which gives him his first spell. Heal I. Use this to heal the party, and exit the tunnel. On the other side walk over to the patch of cactus that is the thickest. This will automatically pick up the Maynga Root. Head back over to the Sage's Hut. If you where brave and strong, it's an easy walk back. But if you where like me, it's a tricky jog, but it can be done.


4. Returning to the Hut.

Once you get in the hut walk towards the fire again, this will start a conversation that will piss off the Sage, but you will be able to get the Blue Pass Card. Walk to the closet next to the book case, and open it up. You'll take that pass card. After that you need to do one more thing before going to the Matrix.


5. Finding Max.

It always helps to have as many people along for the ride as possible, and Max is no exception. A great fighter, without him it is nearly impossible to get through the Matrix. He's standing right outside of the Matrix, so you think that it would be easy for him to join your party, but he just laughs at your plan when you tell him that your going in. Here's the secret to getting him to join your party. Before you go in find him in Danceland, he's the only guy running around in a red mohawk - same as the guy setting the band up on stage, and talk to him by running into him. He says "I love head banging to this music", and that's it. Now when you talk to him outside the Matix he will join your party. If you don't know where Danceland is, it's in Bardo City. Northwest of the town hall, which is straight up the road you come in on. Also, when you decided to go into the Matrix, buy up all the Psi Tab's you can afford. Once you get in there, you are trapped till you find a Pass Card the lets you out the Main Door. So you can't rest, and make sure your healed up before going in. I had to get my characters up to level 11, with 10 Psi Tabs and Rest before I went in.


6. Hitting the Matrix.

Make sure you talk to Max before going into the Matrix, he will join your party if you followed the direction in Finding Max. Keep in mind that the starting level for this dungeon is 10 to 15. The higher you are before you go in, the easier it's going to be. Once in the Matrix, there is a great weapon that is unprotected. Walk north up the tunnel, past the four way intersection, till you run into the first tunnel that goes east. Take it around, till it has two tunnels that go south, take the first one. Walk down that one, and take the first tunnel east. Follow that tunnel to the end, going north and into a room with a box in it. There you will find a Smart M.L.A. a great weapon. Now walk back to the first four way intersection you came to. There head east. Walk down to the next intersection. South is a Med-Kit, pick it. If you got in a random fight your fighters should need healing, the Med-Kit will heal a little, but what it heals, it adds to your HP, so use it on one of the fighters. Heal everybody up, then head north up the tunnel, towards the red robot and attack him (just run into him). After he is dead, he will drop the Red Pass Card. I did have to rearrange the party, putting Orient in the back. You do this by hitting Escape, choosing Exchange, and then Dirk for 1, Max for 2, and Orient for 3. Now go back down to the intersection, and head west, back where you came from. When you pass the first door it will open, keep going to the second, it will open. The room is filled with lockers. Open them up till you find the Kevlar Armor, and equip it. The room due south of you has a Psi-Tab, and the one southeast of you with a guard in it has blaster, which you need since you started out with a small blaster. Pickup the Psi-Tab and kill the guard, then go over to the gun rack and search it (pressing the space bar), and you'll find the blaster. Then equip it.


7. Finding Glasses.

Now head back out into the main corridor, head west back towards the entrance. Go past it to the first door on the south side, there is a red robot, and a red bin in the room. Kill the robot, and loot the bin. The room below it has a blue robot walking around. Talk to him. If you have 500 credits he'll help you out, if you don't you'll need to walk around kill random patrols, which is easy and gives you experience. Also there is money hidden, I found a box with 200 credits, and a Psi-Tab that was west of that room, just before you get to the tunnel that shoots north. Once you have the money, the robot will come up to you, and tell you that he knows where a human is hidden, and will show you for 500 credits. When you give him then money, and tunnel opens up, enter it. On the otherside you will find Glasses. Talk to him. He will ask to join your party, say yes. Once you have Glasses in your party go back out the tunnel that you came in.


8. Getting out of the Matrix.

Head out of the rooms your in, back to the main corridor. There go west, south, then west till you hit the main tunnel north. Take it all the way up, once there head east till the tunnel almost ends, and you come to a room with a guard in it. Enter the room, and kill the guard, he will drop the Green Pass Card. If this battle is to hard for you, try killing some of the other monsters that where locked in rooms with the Red Pass Card. Once you have the Green Pass Card head back to that main north tunnel, on the way back are two rooms you passed. Pick up the Round Doubler, and use it on someone, and the other room restores your party. Head down the tunnel, and east when you get at the bottom. The room with the little robot that's not working will now open when you walk by, enter the room, and walk up to the robot. Glasses will fix the little robot. It will be so happy, that it will give you the Main Pass Card. Now you can get back out the main door, and get some rest. Also head back to the Armor Shop in Bardo and pick up a Lab Coat for Glasses if you have the 500 credits. It's the only thing above a Flak Vest that he can wear.


9. Getting the Bum.

While your in Bardo, pick up the Bum and take him to Night City. You will run into a few fights. Once there the Bum will automatically leave your party. Then go find him by the first set of buildings all the way east. Talk to him. He want's to sell a crowbar for 100 dollars, say no. Then he'll come down to 50, say yes. You'll need this in the Matrix.


10. Taking on the Matrix.

When you enter the Matrix, go over to where the little robot was. You will see a tunnel that heads north. Follow it, till you see the white Key Card. Walk up there and pick it up. Then head back to the room where you found the Green Pass Card. Head north through the door, east down the tunnel, then north. You will see an Armory at the very north. Walk over to the door and use the crowbar. Lot everything, and equip it all accordingly. Go back out into the tunnel and head west, in one of the south rooms is a grate, go in there and pull it up. That will take you in the tunnel system. Follow it, don't talk to the computer. Take it down, and follow the first tunnel that goes south. There is a Power Cloak in this room. It will give Orient and armor of 100, and can be found no where else. If you take the second tunnel to its end, you'll find a Smart Laser Rifle in one of the boxes after you kill the Lo-Bot. Now head back to the main exit, where there is a four way intersection. Head north, till you hit the first tunnel going west. Head down it, past the first room, and open the box in the next room. It has a Small Disruptor in it. Once the Disruptor is equipped follow the tunnel west and into the next room. Kill the guard, he has the Orange Pass Card. After that, loot the crate in the room north of you. Go back to the Armory. The room south of you has a guard freaking out. Kill him. He drops the Black Pass Card. Now you have all the pass cards to travel through the Matrix.


11. Getting the Power Conduit.

First go back to the main exit intersection, then head east. Keep going past the next intersection and enter the next room on the south side of the tunnel. There are a bunch of lockers in this room. Search the lockers, then head into the room below you full of beds. Go to the far southwest part of the room and search the west wall. You will find a crack that opens a secrete area. Pickup the Med-Kit, and pull the lever. Head back out to the main exit intersection again, this time head north. When you hit the first tunnel that goes east, take it to the north door. Walk through that room, and into the room north of it. There are two robots there, and two bay doors. Kill the robots, and walk through the bay doors. In the next room there is a guard at the bottom of the screen. Kill him. Then walk into the north room with the 3 switches. There's a pattern here to open up the secret tunnel. Turn the first switch on, turn the third switch on, then turn the third switch off. If you do this right you will hear a crash. The tunnel is opened up. Now in the room with the two bay doors there is an open grate. Take it into the tunnels. Follow the tunnel till it ends. This will put you on the other side of the energy stream. Us the terminal at the top to shut the stream off. Then walk over to where the stream came out and pull out the power conduit.


12. Finishing the mission.

Now that you have the power conduit, go back to Arkadia in the other complex. She will take it from you, and give you 1000 credits. Plus give you another mission to find a Repair-Bot for here. After accepting the mission, head to the southwest corner of the room. There is a Repair-Bot working on the wall, push the pieces around so you can crawl all the way to the black open spot. Dirk will be able to crawl through this hole, but the rest of the part will have to stay behind. On the other side Dirk will find Lasers that fire off at different intervals. Walk past these without dying, and you will find Shadow Fax in the next room. Listen to his story, then head back out of the complex. Now you might as well spend the money in the shop in Arden Plaza. It's in the far north east, and they have some good stuff in there. But save 1000 for the Bum. He's gonna rip you off, in Night City. When you walk up the ladder into the hanger. Hey says "Hey buddy, did you drop this." Then he hands you something. This takes all your cash. Now keep going up the latter and inside the hanger and see if this guy knows anything about a Repair-Bot. Once you've heard his story, about the Bot, and the Chopper head back to pick Gibson up. This will get you the 1000 credits you need.


Act II:

1. Finding Gibson.

Now enter the Matrix, and keep going up the north tunnel. When you hit the first tunnel that goes east, take it. Follow it around till you can head south, picking up the Life-Viv. Then go back and take the first tunnel south. Keep going south, into the room, and kill the robot. Then open the boxes. There's a Kill-Bot in there, kill him and get a M41A-Pulse Rifle. Then head south into the tunnel. There go into the north room and kill the robots. They will drop the Cell Key. Walk up to the barrels, these will take you down into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the door and walk through it. Gibson will start a conversation, let him join your party. Exit the Matrix. When you do, this will start a Boss Fight. It's a pretty tuff fight, but using Glasses Shock III spell really worked this guy over. Glasses was level 25. If this battle is to hard then Clear out Arden Plaza first. Once Gibson leaves your party head over to Night City.


2. Clearing out Arden Plaza.

You should get some experience before you go to the next island. So head to Arden Plaza. In the far northwest of the village is the town hall. Go in there and talk to the Captain. He will ask you to clear out the well for him. Accept it, and head down into the well. This is a level 25 dungeon, and take plenty of Antitoxin because Zombies paralyze. I took 10, and still had to save a lot. There's lots of experience as you run around down here, and if you back up you'll trip the same attack event, they never go away till you kill the Vampire. She's down the east tunnel, take it north, then west, then south, you'll find her at the end. But the more you kill in here the easier it will be later on. My main characters where level 30 when I killed her. After you kill the vampire, talk to the Captain. He pays you 500 credits for clearing out the well.


3. Getting the Chopper.

Walk into the hanger in Night City by walking up the ladder of the building to the far southwest. Once there talk to the guy behind the counter. Ask him about the chopper. He will rent it to you for 1000 credits. Do this. Then he tells you that it will be waiting for you on the Helo Port. Walk outside, and get into the chopper. When you do you will be warned that the vehicle is low on fuel, and will take you to the most direct route to the next island. When you land, you will be without fuel, and stranded on a strange island. Walk over to the large crystals sticking out of the ground, this is Trent.


4. Finding Gas.

When you enter Trent walk into the Gas Station, it's the first building to the northwest. Talk to Jerry, he will fill you in on the deal to get gas. Once he tells you that he'll give you his Repair-Bot for 5 cases of gas pellets, go over to Ben's Junk Shop. It's the building in the far northeast. Talk to Ben about Gas Pellets. He tells you he's will to tarde them for some caviar.


5. Finding some Caviar (Minced Pie).

Outside of Trent is a tunnel that goes underground, enter it. Kill everything that lives down here, your going to need the expierence. I was level 36 & 37 by the time I was done with this. Once on the otherside there is a city to the south. This is Renton, enter it. On the otherside of the railroad trakes, in the soutwest corner is some homes, this is an Inn. Enter it. Rent a room, then go upstairs and enter the one you rented (the one on the right). Go to the panel there and activate it. From here you can order Caviar. A maid will bring it up, and you can rest in the beds. Plus there's 80 credits under one of the beds. Take the Caviar back to Ben, he will give you the Gas Pellets for it.


6. Getting the Repair-Bot.

Once you have the Gas Pellets from Ben, take them back over to Jerry's Gas. Talk with Jerry, and he will have his Repair-Bot go out and fill your chopper. Go out to your chopper, and fly it to Carmandeon. Fly south till you just lose site of the island your on, then fly east. You'll see it in a little while. This is an island with robots fighting on it, and there is a tunnel here. Go down it. You will see a case across the room, go over there and open it up. The Gas Pellets are in there. As of the writing of this walkthrough, Carmandeon has not be finished, so the cases have been left outside the complex, in this tunnel, so you can finish the quest. This area will be developed in furter releases. After getting the pellets, get back in the chopper and head over to Jerry's Gas. He will try to worm his way out of the deal, but Dirk makes him stick to his guns and turn over the Repair-Bot.


Act III:

1. The Twist.

Once you have the Repair-Bot you need to head back to Arkadia, and give it to her. Fly back to the first island by flying north till you just loose site of the island you where on, then head west. You'll see it soon. Since your going to give Arkadia the Repair-Bot you need to know that she is going to turn on you, so I would be fully healed, and have used all my money on things like Life Boosts from Arden Plaza. Once you give Arkadia the Repair-Bot, she will attack. Don't talk to her again, she will only attack again. After killing the first attack, try to dogde the other robots in the room, and get to Shadow Fax. He will tell you what is really going on in the story. Once you've done this, Noris will have his power turned back on. Noris is the computer in the hanger. The room south of the Main Room that Arkadia is in. Talk to Noris, and he will show you a secret tunnel into the core of Arkadia. Now there are two ways you can go right here. You can blow the core, or save Shadow Fax first before you blow the core. Each path has a slightly different ending. But remember if you save Shadow Fax, you face him alone because only you can fit down the hole. What ever you do, pick up the box that is in the vehicle room. It has a Plasma Repeater Rifle (strongest weapon in the game), and the dynamite you need to blow the core. If you save Shadow Fax, just walk back through the Main Room, and the Laser Room, in his chamber. There are two robots there, it was pretty easy for me to them with a Plasma Repeater Rifle. Once dead, head back to the hanger and down into the core. There are 3 battles before the final battle. I used a lot of Life Boosts to get me through this. Once done what over to the Core and blow it. After this is done, head back up to the top.


2. End Game.

When you get out of the Core you can talk to Noris if you want to, and if you saved Shadow Fax you can talk to Dax too. But when your done with that head out into the Main Room. Arkadia will die, as her brain is cut off from power. If you didn't save Shadow Fax, you will be teleported out and the game will end. If you did save Shadow Fax you need to talk to him, and then you will be teleported out, and the game will end.

After the game has ended you can still move around, and have use of the chopper. There is a Food Bank in Renton that opens up after you complete the game, and you met a girl named Star. But it's not really worked out when you catch back up with her in the Inn.

Well hope you enjoyed playing it. I enjoyed writing it. - Dark Star.
